Asfalteerimistööd, Betoonitööd, Geodeesia, Liikluskorraldus, Projekteerimistööd, Projektijuht


Select an area:

  • Tondi tn 1, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, 11313, Harju maakond

    +372 55583483
    Area improvement, Construction engineering, Dirt works, Excavator rental, Frontal loaders, Heavy machinery, Hydraulic shovel rental, Hydraulic shovel rental, Mini loader rental, Mini loaders, Miningworks, Shovel works, Soil peeling, Soil planning, Soilworks
  • Vasara 5-16 , Keila , 76606, Harjumaa

    +372 56788877
    Building of private roads, Dirt works, Eplacement of crubstones, Founding of burnishing, Green area works, Lawn establishing, Miningworks, Parking place constructing, Pavement emplacement, Road and site building, Road building and maintenance, Road maintenance, Soil caulcking, Soil planning, Soilworks, Street cleaning coating
  • Aru, Kavastu küla, Haljala vald, 45309, Lääne-Virumaa

    +372 5055431
    Cargo transport, Carriage services, Construction sand, Dirt selling, Dirt transporting, Excavator works, Flintstonse selling, Gravel selling, Gravel transportation, Miningworks, Sand mining, Sand selling, Sand transpotation, Snow cleaning, Soil planning, Soilworks, Transportation service